Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finally Some Pictures!

Judi's 6th Birthday Party, 1st day in Armenia

City Diner, Yerevan - special family treat

Dinner with family at our house, our first party

Niva in the garage, it needs a bath!

View looking down our street towards the store


Grant said...

Thanks for sending us the link to the blog. I was absolutely hysterical reading about some of your adventures and thinking back to my own early experiences there. Your Armenian must be pretty good already if you are talking to teachers, neighbors, etc. Maybe time for a rematch?!?


Janet said...

Awesome Pictures!!!!!
Thank you so much for the updates!!
God Bless you All!!

Hugs & Prayers & Blessings from the Kiessling Family from Fresno, California

Alex Tav said...

Hey Kazarians!

Hope armenia is great! Fresno seems a little less bright without you guys here. Frank, good luck with potty training! The Tavlians are praying for your safety during the time of revolt. Speaking of which, what is going on? Have soldiers/peace officers started to "takeover" the village?

Alex Tavlian

PS: JL did you take your napkins with you? :)

Rob said...

Yeah for pictures! We're following along with every entry!
the Dixons.