Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

So today, March 11th, I am celebrating my 38th year of life. As I was
pondering this I was thinking WOW I can't believe I get to celebrate
my birthday in a foreign land (I have never done this before!) Then I
started to think about all of the great birthday's in my life and I
thought this would be a great time to honor some of you as I stroll
down memory lane. And of course to honor David Letterman, I will use
the Top Ten List! This is just a list about actual birthdays and not
gifts because the best gift I have ever received in my Salvation in
the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of my husband Kalem, the lives of
Judi, Peter, & Frank, my tremendous family and now on to

10. My 13th! I had a boy/girl party and Darrin Marsella, Henry
Latanzio, Tony Stamolis and John Dealer came (these were the 'popular'
boys and I actually still looked like a boy!)

9. My 17th! My mom bought me a cake from Simpson's bakery with a
girl surfing on the top...great beach scene...I thought that was so

8. My 15th! Randy Jorgensen and Alan Hartman used balloons to "T.P."
my house and wrote Happy Birthday in shaving cream on the grass.

7. My 20th! My very first boyfriend, Karl Dean Ingeman!!!! bought
me a gold bracelet. I had never had a gift like that from a BOY!

6. My 14th! My sisters Kimmy & Judy bought me brand new sheets,
pillow cases, a comforter and throw pillows for my bed and put them
all on so when I got home from school my whole room was redone! I
felt sooooo special!!

5. My 30th! My brother Phil, sister-in-law, Melineh, Sister, Kimmy,
and my Dad & Mom bought me a brand new, shiny red, hybrid mountain
bike...two of my other bikes had been stolen!

4. My 11th. 11 is my favorite number and this was my "Golden"
birthday. My best friend, KENDRA HOPPER (now Fletcher) sent me an
anonymous package with a note that explained I would be getting 11 of
something each month on the 11th to honor my 11th birthday. She is
still too cool and has THE BEST IDEAS and ways to LOVE PEOPLE!!

3. My 16th! I was all scheduled to take my drivers license exam in
my dad's junk Datsun King Cab when the examiner noted that the right
rear turn signal light was out and I couldn't take my test in that
vehicel. My mom and I drove super fast to my Grandma Lillie's house
to get her 1978 Powder Blue Cutless Supreme with power steering and
brakes. I had NEVER driven a car with power ANYTHING and when I took
the test I thought I was going to fail just because of the severe
whiplash I created in starting and stopping. But I PASSED!!!

2. My 37th! Kalem knows how much I love Skee-Ball on the Santa Cruz
Boardwalk and he found out that Chuck E. Cheese gives free tokens to
people on their birthdays. We were all dressed up and we pulled into
this pizza joint...I was confused. We walked in and got 37 free
tokens and played Skee-Ball. Then he took me to Roger Rocka's Theater
and we saw "The King and I". (obviously not as good as NYC with Lou
Diamond Philips in the third row behind John Lithgow with you KENJI
but wonderful none the less!)

1. This one has yet to be topped...25! I was at school at Princeton
and my great friend, Kevin Diller, put posters, I mean 8 1/2" x 14"
sheets with pictures of me and some insane silliness that told
everyone in crazy ways that it was my birthday and I was 25! He put
them on trees, poster boards, in the dinning commons, in the halls, in
the dorms, EVERYWHERE!!!! One sign I will never forget, "Now, I'm not
saying how old she is but If Jonelle were a tree she would have 25
rings". Later that night Kevin Diller, Jimmy Flowers, Gregg
Valeriano, Tim Dobe, Neal Magee, Paige Wilson, Stephanie Hansen,
Emilee Berman, Cyrus Peterson, Dan Birchfield, and others threw me a
Surprise Party. I got great gifts but the best one was my favorite
episodes of The Simpsons on VHS! Many ManyThanks Devin Killer!

Now I celebrate 38 in ARMENIA and look forward to the events and
memories today will bring. Thank you already for the emails, phone
calls, and Cards! I love you all. Jonelle--38 Special!


Kendra Fletcher said...

Happy Birthday, friend! I am so honored to have been included in so many of the early celebrations. You didn't mention the coconut bunny cake :D

And for four blissful months, you are OLDER than I am! That used to be cool, but now you're just... old ;D

Love you,

Bendor family said...

Happy Birthday! :) So fun to keep up to date with you guys on your blog. Sounds like constant adventures.

Lots of love
Susanne (and Kristian too)

K S Diller said...

Holy wow, I'm like bright red, this has to be one of the greatest prizes I've ever gotten. I was reading through your list getting ready to give a disgruntled comment reminding you of the year I put your face up everywhere at PTS. I always greatly appreciated your unflagging enthusiastic ability to encourage and include people, even a frightened, awkward and socially underextended person like me. In year 38 may God continue to do great things through you in Armenia in the lives of those in need. And may He bless the whole Kazarian entourage in the fantastic, daring and wacky labor of love to which you have all been called!
Happy Birthday, Devin

Fletch said...
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Fletch said...

don't let her fool you jonelle...she's old too...and she still comes up with cool birthday ideas...happy birthday!

Karen G. said...

Ah, what bliss to read of your birthdays past. You are an amazing woman and I still thank God every time I think of you that I was lucky enough to meet a fellow disgruntled missionary(who puts eight women in one bedroom?!)and end up sharing a closet just slightly bigger than your new house with you in Camden. And you're right... the 11th is the best day to have a birthday!

I love you. You're so cool.
xxxxxxxxx Karen

hyefive said...

We loved reading this!! We want to wish you a blessed birthday! We love you!!!

Richard, Deanna, and Girlies :)

Nicole =) said...

WOW!!! I can't believe all the details your remember....I can't even remember what I did for my LAST Bday!! What a great display of love from your friends and family in the ways they celebrated your Bdays. Hope #38 was great. Miss, Miss, MISS you!!

Nic =)